Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Belgium Beer Café!

Unit 12 (and Janina) made an appearance at the Belgium Beer Café in Perth CBD. Funny story however, I was the only one to drink a beer. The beer was good as well as the food.


"This beer is the reference beer for the real beer connoisseur"


Alex grabbing the beer off the wall. :D

I'll just let Wikipedia explain the legend:

The "Perth Eye"'s actually pretty small.

Some Perthian Palms by the Swan River.

Black Swans...fake ones. :)

Anika at the Bell Tower doing a dance?

Have you done your laundry?

I was there...

Pretty cool back street.
Well that's the longest post I've done in a while. We're heading to Kings Park today! more pictures to follow... I leave Perth in a week! I'm both happy and sad. I know my return home will involve drinking beer with Logan.


  1. We should go for a beer and a byte (haha) when you get back, or maybe a nibble (hahaha). Only people like us would get a reference like that. Peace Bro - Court

  2. I am not sure if my first comment made it, so I will add another. We should go for a byte or nibble (only people like us will get that reference) and a beer when you are back.

    Let me know.
